Resolution: Done
Run Kuttl tests as part of 1.10.1 validation.
Test Steps:
If you are upgrading to a previously released version of gitops, just use some older channels to install the operator. Once they have reached the highest version in that particular channel, switch the channel. If you are testing the IIBs, follow the below instructions for the upgrade
- Clone https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/gitops/gitops-components-automated-testing
- Checkout to the master branch
- Install and upgrade the operator by running $ make operator-upgrade after setting QUAY_USER, NEW_VER and IIB_ID
For running the kuttl automation pipeline, use this pipelinerun template on the bootstrap cluster with appropriate parameters
If you want to run the kuttl tests locally:
- Clone https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/gitops/operator-e2e/-/tree/master/gitops-operator
- From master branch and directory to gitops-operator run
- $ kubectl kuttl test ./tests/sequential --config ./tests/sequential/kuttl-test.yaml
- $ kubectl kuttl test ./tests/parallel --config ./tests/parallel/kuttl-test.yaml
For running a particular test, pass the test name along with --test flag
More info: https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/gitops/operator-e2e/-/blob/master/gitops-operator/README.md
Acceptance Criteria:
- Highest and lowest versions of supported OCP versions are covered
- Both Sequential and Parallel suites are executed
- Results have been logged
- clones
GITOPS-3473 [Test execution] - Operator upgrade and KUTTL Tests
- Closed
- is cloned by
GITOPS-3558 [Test execution] - Operator upgrade and KUTTL Tests | OCP 4.13
- Closed
GITOPS-3877 [Test execution] - Operator upgrade and KUTTL Tests | OCP 4.12
- Closed