Resolution: Done
Run Kuttl tests as part of 1.10.0 release.
Test Steps:
- Clone https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/gitops/gitops-components-automated-testing
- Checkout to the master branch
- Install and upgrade the operator by running $ make operator-upgrade after setting QUAY_USER, NEW_VER and IIB_ID
- Clone https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/gitops/operator-e2e/-/tree/master/gitops-operator
- From master branch and directory to gitops-operator run
- $ kubectl kuttl test ./tests/sequential --config ./tests/sequential/kuttl-test.yaml
- $ kubectl kuttl test ./tests/parallel --config ./tests/parallel/kuttl-test.yaml
For running a particular test, pass the test name along with --test flag
More info: https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/gitops/operator-e2e/-/blob/master/gitops-operator/README.md
Acceptance Criteria:
- OCP versions that are not highest/lowest supported are covered
- Both Sequential and Parallel suites are executed
- Results have been logged
- clones
GITOPS-2941 [Test execution] - Operator upgrade and KUTTL Tests | PSI
- Closed