Description of problem:
"Applications in any namespace" not working with wildcards.
As per openshift-gitops doc[1], this feature can be enabled by setting ".spec.sourceNamespaces" in "cluster-scoped Argo CD" instance that manages the application and "AppProject" custom resource that is associated with the application. But these parameters are not taking the wildcards as specified in the upstream doc [2] and giving reconcilation errors:
1.6932568891602087e+09 ERROR controller.argocd Reconciler error {"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "ArgoCD", "name": "argocd", "namespace": "argo-test", "error": "Namespace \"*\" not found"}
[As per doc [2], To enable all namespaces on the cluster where Argo CD is running on, you can just specify {}{}{}, i.e. --application-namespaces={}{*} But this parameter is managed by gitops operator in openshift-gitops, so unable to modify the parameter]
Eg: spec:
- '*'
Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a cluster scoped argocd instance
- Create a custom AppProject
- Follow doc [1] and enable the feature by setting `.spec.sourceNamespaces`with wildcard in argocd CR and custom AppProject.
Actual results:
Getting reconciler error in GitOps operator pod logs and need to remove the wildcard
Expected results:
Operator pod logs shouldn't contain any reconciler error
Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):
Acceptance criteria:
Definition of Done:
Build Details:
Additional info (Such as Logs, Screenshots, etc):