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  1. OpenShift GitOps
  2. GITOPS-2909

KAM | Push event in service repository does not trigger the Pipeline


      Description of problem:

      KAM version going to be shipped with v1.8.3 (KAM v0.0.48) lacks the feature where a pipeline triggered for every push event in the service repository. (Pipeline gets triggered for any Merge events in the service repository)


      None found

      Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):

      KAM version v0.0.48

      Steps to Reproduce

      Follow the day1 KAM journey

      • Run the kam bootstrap command
      • Push the resources to github
      • Apply the apps {}config/argocd/ and secrets
      • Create a webhook for the service repository
      • Observe the Pipeline in cicd namespace on a Push event in the service repository

      Actual results:

      Pipeline does not get triggered on creating a pull request

      Expected results:

      Pipeline should be triggered for every commit in service repository

      Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):


      Acceptance criteria: 

      • Pipeline gets triggered for any push event happening in the service repository


      Definition of Done:

      • The above mentioned issue is fixed
      • The change is tested thoroughly with new KAM build  

      Build Details:


      Additional info (Such as Logs, Screenshots, etc):



            Unassigned Unassigned
            rhn-support-vab Varsha B
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