Resolution: Done
SECFLOWOTL-109 - GitOps Operator Code Redesign
Removed Functionality
GITOPS Sprint 236, GITOPS Sprint 237, GITOPS Sprint 239, GITOPS Sprint 240
Story (Required)
As a user of Argo CD/ GitOps operator I would like to have unified configuration and status tracking for SSO providers
Background (Required)
This is the final step in completing the SSO unification story.
Currently our operator supports 2 SSO providers - Dex and RHSSO. We have unified their configuration under `.spec.sso` while continuing to support legacy configuration fileds like `.spec.dex` and older fields in `.spec.sso` for keycloak. In the `.status` filed of the CR we still track only `.status.dex` and we have a separate `.status.ssoConfig` to track status of SSO configuration (if misconfigured or not).
In v1.9.0 we should remove `.spec.dex` and the older `.spec.sso` fields to support keycloak config. All SSO config must be done thorugh `.spec.sso.provider` and leverage `.spec.sso.dex` or `.spec.sso.keycloak` for configuration. We should
update `.status` to remove `.status.dex` and `.status.ssoConfig` to unify them under `.status.sso`. This would reflect the workload status of whichever SSO provider is configured (dex/rhsso) as only one of the 2 can be configured at a given time once `.spec` is updated to be truly unified.
This will help streamline the SSO user experience for configuration and tracking of workloads. It will also include tracking for RHSSO/keycloak workloads which currently does not exist in the operator.
NOTE: These will be breaking changes to the CRD
Out of scope
Introducing a dedicated status for RHSSO workload
Approach (Required)
- Remove deprecated fields from Argo CD CR spec
- Remove `.status.dex` and `.status.ssoConfig`
- Update operator reconciliation logic to remove additional checks and balances to simplify code a lot (only focus on `.spec.sso`)
- Update status reconciliation logic to track `.status.sso` accurately for keycloak and dex depending on what is enabled
- Update workload status metrics to remove dex tracker and add SSO tracker
- Remove deprecation event warnings that are emitted for SSO fields
- Update unit and e2e tests
Acceptance Criteria (Mandatory)
- Argo CD CR should be updated with new spec and status
- workload tracking metrics should be updated
- deprecation event should not be emitted anymore
- Operator logic should be simplified
INVEST Checklist
Dependencies identified
Blockers noted and expected delivery timelines set
Design is implementable
Acceptance criteria agreed upon
Story estimated
Done Checklist
- Code is completed, reviewed, documented and checked in
- Unit and integration test automation have been delivered and running cleanly in continuous integration/staging/canary environment
- Continuous Delivery pipeline(s) is able to proceed with new code included
- Customer facing documentation, API docs etc. are produced/updated, reviewed and published
- Acceptance criteria are met
- is documented by
RHDEVDOCS-5215 GitOps 1.9 release notes
- Closed
RHDEVDOCS-5550 GitOps 1.10.0 release notes
- Closed
- links to
RHEA-2023:120119 Errata Advisory for Red Hat OpenShift GitOps v1.10.0
- mentioned on