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  1. OpenShift GitOps
  2. GITOPS-2164

Be able to set any node label for custom nodeSelctor in GitOpsService CR

    • 3
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Hide
      This feature will now enable users to set custom nodeSelectors in their operator workloads by editing their GitopsService CR like so:

          key1: value1

      Note: The operator also has default nodeSelector for Linux, and runOnInfra toggle also sets Infrastructure selector in the workloads. All these nodeSelectors will be merged with precedence given to the custom nodeSelector in case the keys match.
      This feature will now enable users to set custom nodeSelectors in their operator workloads by editing their GitopsService CR like so: spec:   nodeSelector:     key1: value1 Note: The operator also has default nodeSelector for Linux, and runOnInfra toggle also sets Infrastructure selector in the workloads. All these nodeSelectors will be merged with precedence given to the custom nodeSelector in case the keys match.
    • GITOPS Sprint 222, GITOPS Sprint 223, GITOPS Sprint 224, GITOPS Sprint 225

      Customer wants to have an specific nodeSelector in argocd instance.

      According to the documentation [1], "Any manually added Node selectors and Tolerations in the default Argo CD CR will be overwritten by the toggle and the tolerations in the GitOpsService CR." So, the client wants modify GitOpsService CR in order to add a different nodeSelector than infra.


      Information from the client:

      -Summary  : need to define a nodeplacement for ArgoCD component (all components : kam included)

      -Details : We use argoCD to manage 300 applications. So ArgoCD need to be attached to specifics nodes with lot of CPU/RAM resources.

      -Impact : ArgoCd can move on  infra node dedicated for another usage (prometheus, ...).


      Best Regards!



      [1] https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.9/cicd/gitops/run-gitops-control-plane-workload-on-infra-nodes.html


              saumeyakatyal Saumeya Katyal (Inactive)
              acandelp Adrian Candel
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