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  1. OpenShift GitOps
  2. GITOPS-2069

Application using helm does not always update when values file change in the repo (unless you hard-refresh)


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • ArgoCD
    • False
    • None
    • False

      In a helm chart managed by argo, sometimes when you change the values file, the changes
      are not reflected on to the cluster, until a hard-refresh is forced.

      This seems the same as https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/issues/9214 "argocd
      application do not update when values file changed in helm repo"
      I can reproduce this issue both with Red Hat OpenShift GitOps (1.5.2)(A) and
      with argo v2.4.0-rc5 (B)

      The URL repo with reproducer is here: https://github.com/mbaldessari/testapp


      (A) Install OCP 4.10.15

      Go to OperatorHub and install Red Hat Openshift Gitops (currently at v1.5.2)
      Leave default (namespace to openshift-operators).

      (B) Test argocd from git upstream v2.4.0-rc5+b84dd8b

      Git clone https://github.com/mbaldessari/argocd-operator/tree/2.4.0-rc5 which will install
      one of the latest argocd containers.

      Set KUBECONFIG and Hop in the `argocd-operator` folder and run:
      {{IMAGE_TAG_BASE=quay.io/rhn_support_mbaldess/argocd-operator VERSION=0.6.6 }}
      {{IMG=quay.io/rhn_support_mbaldess/argocd-operator:"${VERSION}" }}
      CHANNELS=fast make generate bundle docker-build docker-push bundle deploy

      This will install the operator on our cluster. Then run the following which will create
      the `openshift-gitops` namespace and put an argo instance in there:

      oc apply -f templates/argocd-basic.yaml

      Testing protocol

      The following testing protocol reproduces the issue on both (A) OCP + gitops 1.5.2 and (B) OCP + ArgoCDv2.4.0-rc5+b84dd8b

      Login via the argocd cli as it makes things easier:

      argocd login $(oc get routes -n openshift-gitops openshift-gitops-server -o=jsonpath='{ .spec.host }') --sso

      We create project and application
      $ oc apply -f apps/test/templates/project.yaml
      $ oc apply -f apps/test/templates/application.yaml

      This is our correct starting configmap exporting all helm values:

      $ oc get -n openshift-gitops configmap/configmap-test -o yaml

      kind: ConfigMap
      name: configmap-test
      namespace: openshift-gitops
      apiVersion: v1
        values.yaml: |

              test: 111

              bandini1: 222
              bandini2: 456
              baz: 234

      • name: foo
        playbook: foo.yml
      • name: bar
        playbook: bar.yml

      So now we update `values-override.yaml` and add `bandini3: 789` undercloud clusterGroup.foo and push the change to the git origin.
      It seems that whenever we do the first change it all works without issues and we see it all reflected in the configmap:

      $ oc get -n openshift-gitops configmap/configmap-test -o yaml |grep bandini3 |grep -v '{'
      bandini3: 789

      Now the issue seems to be happening on the second update. Namely now I update the values-override.yaml file and add `bandini4: 000`, so now we have:

        test: 111
          bandini1: 222
          bandini2: 456
          bandini3: 789
          bandini4: 000
          baz: 234

      • name: foo
        playbook: foo.yml
      • name: bar
        playbook: bar.yml

      After clicking on refresh and sync there is no trace of bandini4 in the configmap:

      $ oc get -n openshift-gitops configmap/configmap-test -o yaml |grep bandini4 |grep -v '{'

      There is no amount of refresh + sync that will bring in bandini4 in the configmap. Note that
      sometimes (? not always it seems) bandini4 will show up in the parameters of the application
      manifest (but never in the configmap). I have to do a hard-refresh for it to show up in the configmap. I.e. running "argocd app get test --hard-refresh" will fix things
      and the configmap will now contain the expected bandini4 key.

      So it seems to me that somehow this is a cache invalidation problem of sorts. Note, that so far I have been able to reproduce this 100% of the time.

              jfischer@redhat.com Jann Fischer
              rhn-support-mbaldess Michele Baldessari
              3 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
