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  1. OpenShift GitOps
  2. GITOPS-2018

Subscription health check marks it degraded for InstallPlanMissing condition being true even if the operator has no issues


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    • False
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      Before this fix, Subscription health check was marked degraded for missing InstallPlan when more than 5 operators are installed in a project. With this fix, Subscription health check will not be marked as degraded for missing InstallPlan if more than 5 operators are installed in a project.
      Before this fix, Subscription health check was marked degraded for missing InstallPlan when more than 5 operators are installed in a project. With this fix, Subscription health check will not be marked as degraded for missing InstallPlan if more than 5 operators are installed in a project.

      There is an issue with the health check for subscription object in ArgoCD.

      A project can have max 5 InstallPlan objects. Whenever more than 5 operators are installed in a project, the oldest InstallPlan gets deleted. This is the default behaviour.

      Now if the operators are managed in ArgoCD as apps, the operator whose subscription has 'InstallPlanMissing' condition true is marked degraded which shouldn't always be the case. The operator works fine and just the InstallPlan being missing doesn't affect it's functionality. Also it shows all good on the Installed Operators page. Hence it shouldn't be marked degraded in GitOps just because InstallPlan is missing.

      The health check conditions need changes.


            isequeir@redhat.com Ishita Sequeira
            rhn-support-alosingh Alok Singh
            1 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
