As a cluster administrator using the GitOps Operator, I want my tenants of multi-clusters to not be able to view the consoleLink to Argo CD since they don’t need to use it and it would be confusing since it doesn’t point to the Argo CD that’s applicable to them.
Currently, users can grab a link to their Argo CD dashboard through the application launcher by way of a consoleLink. However, the link that is generated is only for the default installation of Argo CD provided in the GitOps operator. For users in multi-tenant clusters, there can be multiple instances of Argo CD. This means that if a user installs Argo CD in their own namespace, the link that is displayed in the application launcher would be for a different instance of Argo CD, which is confusing.
Currently there is a way to delete the Argo CD consoleLink, but it is only a temporary deletion because it will just get created again after a few hours if the route is updated.
Acceptance Criteria:
- Update GitOps Operator to include a new environment variable for disabling consoleLink
- Add unit tests and e2e tests
- Update documentation.
- default behavior should be current behavior, meaning that Argo CD consoleLink should be enabled.
Steps to reproduce:
- Install Red Hat OpenShift GitOps operator.
- Consolelink 'ArgoCD' gets created : `$ oc get consolelink -n openshift-operator`.
- Delete the ArgoCD link : `$ oc delete consolelink/argocd` (It gets deleted but ArgoCD link appears again after few hours)
- clones
RFE-2553 Remove ArgoCD console link permanently
- Accepted
- relates to
GITOPS-1772 Improve config UX for GitOps operator
- Closed