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  1. OpenShift GitOps
  2. GITOPS-1387

Changing log level or log format for repo server doesn't trigger reconciliation

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      * Previously, if you changed the log level for the `argocd-repo-server` workload, the Operator didn't reconcile this setting. The workaround was to delete the deployment resource so that the Operator recreated it with the new log level. With this update, the log level is correctly reconciled for existing `argocd-repo-server` workloads. link:https://issues.redhat.com/browse/GITOPS-1387[GITOPS-1387]
      * Previously, if you changed the log level for the `argocd-repo-server` workload, the Operator didn't reconcile this setting. The workaround was to delete the deployment resource so that the Operator recreated it with the new log level. With this update, the log level is correctly reconciled for existing `argocd-repo-server` workloads. link: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/GITOPS-1387 [ GITOPS-1387 ]
    • GITOPS Sprint 208

      Changes to .spec.repo.logLevel and .spec.repo.logFormat do not trigger reconciliation on existing argocd-repo-server deployments. Changes will only be reconciled if the deployment did not exist before, or is deleted after making the change to ArgoCD Operand.

      For details, see upstream issue: https://github.com/argoproj-labs/argocd-operator/issues/448

              rescott1 Regina Scott (Inactive)
              jfischer@redhat.com Jann Fischer
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
