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  1. OpenShift GitOps
  2. GITOPS-1315

openshift-gitops authentication issue tfs ( Microsoft Team Foundation Server, Azure DevOps on-prem) type git repos


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      Before this update, users could not connect to Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) type Git repositories through Argo CD deployed by the Operator. This update fixes the issue by updating the Git version to 2.39.3 in the Operator. In order to connect with TFS type git repos, user has to set "Force HTTP basic auth" flag during repository configurations.
      Before this update, users could not connect to Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) type Git repositories through Argo CD deployed by the Operator. This update fixes the issue by updating the Git version to 2.39.3 in the Operator. In order to connect with TFS type git repos, user has to set "Force HTTP basic auth" flag during repository configurations.
    • GITOPS Sprint 242

      1. OpenShift-Gitops authentication issue tfs ( Microsoft Team Foundation Server) type git repos Configured via custom resource and secret containing user id and token. while trying to authenticate facing the below error:

      Unable to create application: application spec is invalid: InvalidSpecError: Unable to get app details: rpc error: code = Internal desc = Failed to fetch: `git fetch origin --tags --force` failed exit status 128: fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://tfs.URL:15443/tfs//_git/openshift-URL/ 


      ArgoCD seems to be able to connect to the repository as the GUI shows it as connected ( connection status Successful)

      2. It is strange to us as it seems that Argocd is able to get the latest commit, but is unable to pull it from tfs.

      Also there are open issues in ArgoCD Github with the same use cases and errors.
      Azure TFS is in prem and is Version Dev18.M170.8 same as the above issue.

      3. List of affected packages or components.
      GitOps Operator

      Findings: TFS not included in https://argoproj.github.io/argo-cd/user-guide/private-repositories/#access-token


      Acceptance Criteria:

      • Create tests for TFS and Azure Git repositories
      • Make sure the right exchange keys are used (please update the known-hosts information in the defaults.go file of the argocd-operator)
      • We are using the right version of git which is greater than >=2.34 (dependency on the UBI image)

            jfischer@redhat.com Jann Fischer
            rhn-support-adsoni Aditya Soni (Inactive)
            4 Vote for this issue
            13 Start watching this issue
