Resolution: Done
Migrate to ODC dynamic plugin
To Do
5% To Do, 0% In Progress, 95% Done
This is the follow-on epic to the R&D epic https://issues.redhat.com/browse/GITOPS-1068
Currently, GitOps Environment (List and Details pages) are delivered as a static plugin which means that the UI code lives in the ODC repository. The release cycle (and process) of GitOps UI code is tied with ODC's release cycle.
Dynamic plugin offers a flexible way to deliver to Console thought OLM operators. It can help to break the tie to ODC release cycle.
The initial 'sandbox' GitOps plugin is created here
Possible stories to be opened (Edit 09/03: have been opened), and implementation details plus sizing estimates:
- Proxy to service - https://issues.redhat.com/browse/CONSOLE-2892 - 8pts
- Migrate/Port UI pages over, and base them on SDK. This can be split into more stories for developers to pick up - 8 pts
- Find out how to place tabs in a specific place under the developer perspective - 5pts
- Localization work: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1992730 . Does not work currently. 2 pts
- Refresh frequency of pages - 5 pts
- How to determine if the page is loaded - 5 pts
- Remove branch tag reference (Not dynamic plugin related, but we should clean it up) - 5 pts
- Make GitOps Operator change to pull in/install the plugin - 8 pts
Acceptance Criteria:
- Install the GitOps operator and the dynamic plugin is enabled
- Dev Console shows the GitOps UI contributions from the dynamic plugin
- The static plugin contribution is 'disabled' in favour of the dynamic plugin that is enabled
- GitOps dynamic plugin is built by CPaaS and image is pushed to redhat production registry
- Document the dev, build, release process of GitOps dynamic plugin in Confluence
- is blocked by
ODC-5712 Dynamic Plugins - Round 2
- Closed
- links to