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  1. Fuse Tooling
  2. FUSETOOLS-2252

Cannot resolve projects created by the IDE when staging repositories option is enabled


    • Workaround Exists
      • specify maven staging repositories in your own settings.xml

      I tried to create empty blueprint projects for

      • 2.17.0.redhat-630187
      • 2.17.0.redhat-630224

      I also enabled the staging repositories (via Preferences) but the project still cannot be built.

      I noticed that the pom.xml doesn't contain BOM definition. Moreover it contains artifacts such as


      which has probably wrong version (621084 seems be very old). Please see the attached pom files.

        1. pom-630224.xml
          161 kB
        2. pom-630187.xml
          161 kB
        3. log-630224.txt
          1 kB
        4. log-630187.txt
          1 kB

              apupier@redhat.com Aurélien Pupier
              apodhrad@redhat.com Andrej Podhradsky
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