Please modify the splash page's Tooling section to accommodate docs sourced from JBDS-IS.
Add the following as external links to the top of the section, in order:
JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack 8.0.2 Release Notes
(Important information about the release of JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack 8.0.2.)
Installing JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack
(Information for users installing JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack.)
Updating Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio
(Information for users updating JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack.)
Below the new docs, include the tutorials and user guide, in order:
Tooling Tutorials
<as before>
Tooling User Guide
<as before>
Also please change the subtitle of the category to: "JBoss Fuse Tooling for JBoss Developer Studio. The tooling is shipped and installed as part of JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack."