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  1. Fuse/AMQ Documentation
  2. FUSEDOC-5191

Update information about Grafana installation in Fuse Online


      Chapter 3.2. Monitoring Fuse Online integrations and infrastructure components with Prometheus https://access.redhat.com /documentation/en-us/red_hat_fuse/7.11/html/installing_and_operating_fuse_online_on_openshift_container_platform/managing-fuse-online-on-ocp_ocp#monitor-integrations-on-ocp_manage needs updates:

      1. Since main Grafana Operator repository points to the version 5, the user needs to be aware to use Grafana Operator version 4 during installation from OperatorHub
      e.g. original:

      From the OperatorHub, install the Grafana Operator to a namespace of your choosing, for example, to the grafana-middleware namespace. 


      From the OperatorHub, install the Grafana Operator version 4 to a namespace of your choosing, for example, to the grafana-middleware namespace. Use Update channel `v4`

      Also the url for cluster_role resources in the procedure step 6.i should be updated to use `v4` branch

      curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grafana-operator/grafana-operator/v4/deploy/cluster_roles/cluster_role_grafana_operator.yaml > tmp_role.yaml

      2. `get-token` is deprecated and new versions of OCP don't implicitly link tokens and SA, the script in the procedure step 12. is not working on the latest OCP version.
      The code in the procedure step 12.

              httpHeaderValue1: "Bearer $(oc -n grafana-middleware serviceaccounts get-token grafana-serviceaccount)"

      needs to be updated to

              httpHeaderValue1: "Bearer $(oc get secret $(oc get secret | grep grafana-serviceaccount-token | awk '{print$1}') -o=jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 -d)"

            rhn-support-ajonsson Andreas Jonsson
            mkralik@redhat.com Matej Kralik
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            4 Start watching this issue
