Resolution: Done
6.2.1, 6.2.0
Sprint 2016-C, Sprint 2016-D
Fuse documentation on the fabric-camel framework, like the example shown here: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_JBoss_Fuse/6.2/html/Apache_Camel_Component_Reference/Fabric.html#Fabric-ExPURI advise the developer to insert a reference to CuratorFramework like so:
<reference id="curator" interface="org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework"/> <bean id="fabric-camel" class="io.fabric8.camel.FabricComponent"> <property name="curator" ref="curator"/> </bean>
Following this causes unit tests employing fabric to hang and I am advised by fabric engineers that adding this reference may cause problems in production:
"You don't need reference to CuratorFramework service here. They are auotmatically given to you by the platform, and actually when you define them you risk to miss Curator events due to Dynamic Proxies nature."