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  1. Forge
  2. FORGE-944

Establish CLI naming guidelines for Forge 2


      I was talking about having CLI naming conventions on the forum and George and Lincoln suggested to add these ideas on a JIRA. So here is my humble contribution to record all the ideas about renaming commands.

      Disclaimer : I haven't used Forge for a long time, I've just started using it again, so some of the following ideas might not be accurate

      As a new comer in Forge I felt the commands were not that intuitive. I loved the following :

      java new-enum-type
      java new-itnerface
      java new-class

      So I was expecting to have something similar in all the other techologies, such as JPA :

      jpa new-entity (instead of entity --named)
      jpa new-embedable
      jpa new-mapped-superclass --named Person
      jpa new-entity --named Vet --extends Person

      Lincoln suggested having single-level command keywords only such as :

      jpa-new-entity (instead of entity --named)
      jpa-new-mapped-superclass --named Person
      jpa-new-entity --named Vet --extends Person

      Verbs and keywords

      When you look at the commansd, there are several common verbs and keywords than come often :

      add : ejb-add-transaction-attribute
      new : beans-new-bean, faces-new-view, new-project (prefer project-new)
      list : list-web-resources, beans list-interceptors, beans list-alternatives, list-scaffold-providers
      setup : ejb setup, entity setup
      put : i18n put
      remove : i18n remove, project remove-property
      execute : execute-java
      set : maven set-groupid
      find : forge find-plugin
      install : 
      update : forge update-abort, gitignore update-repo
      run : run-url
      info : analytics info

      That brings several thoughts :

      • ls is used as well as list, should this be homogenize (e.g. beans-ls-interceptors)
      • rm is used as well as remove, should this be homogenize (e.g. i18n-rm, project-rm-property)
      • The difference between execute and run is not clear, should this be homogenize and only use one ?
      • Also there is execute and exec, this should be homogenize (e.g. execute-java and exec)
      • Confusion between new and add. You create a new class with java-new-class and shouldn't you add a field and a method to existing class (java-add-field instead of java-new-field)
      • Some confusion between maven and project
      • Is there any difference between set and update ? maven set-artifactid updates the already existing artifactId and gitignore update-repo updates an existing repo
      • we use field (e.g. java-add-field) and then property (constraint Future --onProperty date), it should be fiels (constraint Future --onField date)

      In many commands you find a type argument such as (type, scaffoldType, fieldType :

      scaffold setup --scaffoldType faces
      field manyToMany --named specialties --fieldType ~.model.Specialty.java
      field temporal --type DATE --named date

      Why not having only type in all the cases :

      scaffold-setup --type faces
      jpa-add-field manyToMany --named specialties --type ~.model.Specialty.java
      jpa-add-field temporal --named date --type DATE 


      The CLI grammar could look like this :

      command = shell | forge command ;
      forge command = technology,-action,[-artifact] [{--argument value}] ;
      shell = cat | cd | cp | edit | find | grep | ls ...
      technology = project | scaffold | beans | constraint | java | jpa | i18n | ejb ...
      action = add | new | ls | rm | setup ...
      artifact = providers | interceptors | class | filter...
      argument = named | onField | type | extends


      So if we take that grammar and apply single-level command keywords, we could have things like that :

      ls-commands -all
      project-new --named MyPro
      scaffold-templates --scaffoldType faces
      constraint-new-constraint --named MyConstraint
      constraint-add-constraint MyConstraint --onField MyProp
      java-new-class --named MyClass
      java-add-field 'private List<Vet> vets'
      java-add-method 'public List<Vet> getVetList() {return null;}'
      java-add-annotation --type XmlRootElement --onClass MyClass
      java-add-annotation --type XmlAttribute --onField MyProp
      jpa-new-mapped-superclass --named Person
      jpa-new-entity --named Vet --extends Person
      jpa-add-field manyToOne --named owner --type ~.model.Owner.java
      i18n-add-locale --locale PT
      ejb-new-stateless --named MyStateless
      ejb-new-singleton --named MySingleton --implements MyInterface AndAnotherInterface
      ejb-add-transaction-attribute --type NEVER
      ejb-add-transaction-attribute --type NEVER --onMethod MyNeverMethod
      faces-new-view --named MyView
      faces-set-project-stage --stage PRODUCTION
      servlet-new-filter --named MyFilter
      rest-new-endpoint --named MyEndpoint --extends MyRestExtension
      mvn-build --notest

      Scaffolding is a bit tricky because it's extendable and you could end up with

      scaffold-ui-from-entity ~.model.*
      scaffold-rest-endpoint-from-entity ~.model.*
      scaffold-dao-from-entity ~.model.*
      scaffold-ejb-service-from-dao ~.dao.*
      scaffold-rest-endpoint-from-dao ~.dao.*

      Or something like that

      scaffold --ui --from-entity ~.model.*
      scaffold --rest-endpoint --from-entity ~.model.*
      scaffold --dao --from-entity ~.model.*
      scaffold --ejb-service --from-dao ~.dao.*
      scaffold --rest-endpoint --from-dao ~.dao.*

      Here are my 2 cents thoughts on a topic that I'm discovering. As you all know, naming is really important and should be looked at carefully. Let's use this JIRA to exchange ideas.

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