Resolution: Done
Because sync with maven central takes too long in repository.jboss.org/nexus
Instructions: http://central.sonatype.org/pages/ossrh-guide.html
Example: https://github.com/wildfly-swarm/wildfly-swarm/blob/master/pom.xml#L313-L322
<gastaldi> bobmcw, I wonder if we are allowed to publish to oss.sonatype.org directly instead
<bobmcw> gastaldi: yes, we are
bobmcw does
<bobmcw> newton encourages it
<bobmcw> that was his response on thecore to sebersole 2-3 steaming-pile-of-poop threads ago
<bobmcw> I'm trying to push everyone to oss.sonatype now
<gastaldi> bobmcw, cool, I will use it then
<bobmcw> you'll need creds there and for them to setup the sync
<bobmcw> which means signing up for JIRA and filing one like https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/OSSRH-18308
<bobmcw> plus a gpg key registered in a well-known keyserver, like mit.edu
<bobmcw> and sign your artifacts
<gastaldi> awesome
<bobmcw> https://github.com/wildfly-swarm/wildfly-swarm/blob/master/pom.xml#L325-L344
<gastaldi> are these steps documented somewhere?
<bobmcw> we jam it into a plugin so that CI doesn't break when it deploys to a local repo
<gastaldi> smart
<bobmcw> http://central.sonatype.org/pages/ossrh-guide.html
<jbossbot> Title: OSSRH Guide
<bobmcw> there ya go!
<bobmcw> s/plugin/profile/
<bobmcw> then deploy as usual (mvn release plugin or whatnot) and oss.sonatype.org has your staging repo. close/release per usual
<bobmcw> it's verifications at close will ensure you've met the requirements wrt signed artifacts and a registered key
<gastaldi> sweet
<bobmcw> when you release the staging repo, sync from oss.sonatype -> central happens within about 10 minutes
<bobmcw> it's glorious
<bobmcw> stil takes a few hours to show up in the search.maven.org index, but mvn can find them during a build
<gastaldi> perfect!
<gastaldi> bobmcw, thank you so much
<bobmcw> my pleasure!
<gastaldi> just created https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/OSSRH-19598
<gastaldi> omg, they already resolved it
<bobmcw> Joel's always been zippyfast for anything we've needed
<bobmcw> there's a settings.xml change you do to keep up with your key passphrase, so you don't have to type it a lot. that doc should link to it, I think.
<bobmcw> or the maven-sign-plugin's docs
<gastaldi> bobmcw, I added the following properties to my pom.xml
<gastaldi> <jboss.releases.repo.url>https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/</jboss.releases.repo.url>
<gastaldi> <jboss.snapshots.repo.url>https://oss.sonatype.org/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots/</jboss.snapshots.repo.url>
<gastaldi> and maintained the same password I use in repository.jboss.org/nexus
<bobmcw> I've not tried that
<bobmcw> https://github.com/wildfly-swarm/wildfly-swarm/blob/master/pom.xml#L313-L322
<bobmcw> but I dunno how jboss-parent works anymore, so those props may suffice
<gastaldi> gotcha