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  1. Forge
  2. FORGE-2162

Two previous JIRA changes have been undone FORGE-1984 and FORGE-1990


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 2.12.0.Final, 2.12.3.Final
    • Database Tools
    • None

      The following two JIRA requests have now returned as bugs.
      FORGE-1984 : jpa-generate-entities-from-tables add parameter to select all tables without prompting (fixed in version 2.8.1)
      FORGE-1990 : connection-create-profile fails to retain the database connection password (fixed in version 2.9.2.Final)

      As noted in https://developer.jboss.org/message/912189#912189 forum posting, the successful commands to create a connectionProfile and generate jpa entities from a mysql databse worked without problems in version 2.10.0.Final

      On Dec 2, Bruce Link reported problems implementing commands identical to mine but using forge 2.12.0.Final.
      Repeating my own commands that were previously successful, I now encountered the same two errors that were previously fixed by the above two JIRAs.
      I tested with both 2.12.0.Final and with 2.12.3.Final. Both versions failed to retain the database user password and also failed select all database tables (although the connection failure may have triggered the second error message)

      Please reimplement the changes made with FORGE-1984 and FORGE-1990. I am happy to retest when you are ready.
      Gerry Matte

        1. config.xml.saved
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        2. config.xml
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              Unassigned Unassigned
              gerry.matte_jira Gerry Matte (Inactive)
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