<aslak> gastaldi: speaking of NPE.. Forge doesn't handle null from setValueVoices().. or rather get i guess
<aslak> Choices :)
<gastaldi> aslak, let me create a test for that
<aslak> it basically goes into a for(T choice: input.getValueChoices())
<gastaldi> hum, getValueChoices() should never be null afaik
<gastaldi> are you setting it to be null somewhere?
<aslak> setVlaueChoices(->return null)
<lincolnthree> gastaldi: yeah I think we need to fix the null situation on UISelectOne and UISelectMany, you shouldn't be able to get null, only an empty list IMO
<gastaldi> right
<lincolnthree> sorry, not UISelectOne, that could be null
<lincolnthree> just UISelectMany
<lincolnthree> and UIInputMany
<lincolnthree> shoudl return empty lists
<lincolnthree> empty iterables
<lincolnthree> or whatever
<gastaldi> we're talking about ValueChoices, so I think that applies to UISelectOne as well?
<lincolnthree> gastaldi: ah, yeah ValueChoices does apply to that
<lincolnthree> gastaldi: in regard to getValues() i think that should never be null either should it?
<lincolnthree> for UIInputMany and UISelectMany
<lincolnthree> just empty
<gastaldi> hm, yeah, I think it shouldn't
<gastaldi> to avoid NPEs