Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
This is from the Sakila-H2 model.
The Staff JPA entity generated using the Forge Hibernate Tools plugin, contains a byte[] property in the form of a picture. The property is rendered as a h:inputText widget in the create/edit screens and as a h:outputText widget in the view screen. This results in errors like the following being reported during operations in such screens: Conversion Error setting value '' for 'null Converter'.
Since a default converter cannot be applied, mostly due to the possibility of changing semantics of such properties across applications, it would be better to
- either omit such properties for functional scaffolds,
- or generate converters for every such type.
- or use more appropriate widgets (like a file upload widget) that can operate on such data types.
Also see the TicketMonster model, where a long[][] property is present in the SectionAllocation entity.