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  1. FlightPath
  2. FLPATH-858

Pass assessment workflow input variables to infrastructure workflow


      When using the results of the assessment workflow to invoke an infrastructure workflow, there is a need to render and populate the infrastructure workflow variables with the ones from the assessment workflow (when there is a match).

      In the MTA assessment and M2K infrastructure workflow, it will be the Git repository URL. This will simplify the experience of a user to follow the assessment result and execute the M2K for the same Git repository without the need to retype the same URL.

      The scenario should look as:

      1. Run the MTA as an assessment workflow
      2. On completion of the MTA assessment:
        1. A notification is sent with the assessment report URL
        2. The move2kube infrastructure is offered in the results of the MTA.
      3. On selecting the move2kube, a screen will be shown with the input parameters for the move2kube, pre-populated with the values for the repository-URL from the assessment workflow (this saves the user the need to retype the URL). Other input parameters should be rendered as usual.
      4. Executing the move2kube will set the input parameter and the business-key of the assessment workflow.

      While the design of this feature might require a full process of planning, let's try to go with the minimal requirements to start with and expand the needs after having some basic functionality that can be demoed.

              aketcha Annel Ketcha (Inactive)
              masayag@redhat.com Moti Asayag
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