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  1. FlightPath
  2. FLPATH-855

Deliver a demo for MTA and M2K workflows


    • MTA-M2K Demo
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • To Do
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done

      The purpose of this epic is to deliver a successful demo of the MTA and M2K workflows according to the following scenarios:

      The MTA workflow will be defined as an assessment workflow. Its input schema remains the same as asking the user to provide a Git repository for the workflow.

      Upon successful completion of the MTA assessment workflow, the result will propose to the user a link to the M2K infrastructure workflow. Upon a failure, no workflow should be proposed to the user.

      On selecting the M2K workflow, the input schema that expects the same input as the MTA assessment should include the same Git repository, however, the Git repository should already be populated with the same value as used by the MTA assessment.

      On executing the M2K workflow, the plugin will run the workflow against prod deployment, ready to serve all M2K components.


              masayag@redhat.com Moti Asayag
              masayag@redhat.com Moti Asayag
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