Resolution: Done
Description of the problem:
Two related issues:
(1) When running helm install of move2kube for 1.4.0-rc7, the post install instructions that are output are for the previous version and do not match the current 1.4 installation doc.
helm install move2kube ./move2kube -n ${TARGET_NS} --set instance.namespace=${M2K_INSTANCE_NS} --set brokerName=${BROKER_NAME} --set
NAME: move2kube LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Feb 7 10:22:44 2025 NAMESPACE: sonataflow-infra STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: Helm Release move2kube installed in namespace sonataflow-infra. Components Installed Namespace ==================================================================== move2kube instance YES sonataflow-infra serverless workflow - move2kube YES sonataflow-infra save move2kube transformation Knative function YES sonataflow-infra Run the following commands to wait until the move2kube workflow dependencies and build are done and workflow is running on namespace sonataflow-infra: oc wait -n sonataflow-infra pod --for=condition=Ready=true -l app=move2kube --timeout=2m oc wait -n sonataflow-infra ksvc m2k-save-transformation-func --for=condition=Ready=true --timeout=2m oc wait -n sonataflow-infra sonataflow/m2k --for=condition=Running --timeout=2m [..truncated..] Get the current ConfigMap data CURRENT_DATA=$(oc -n sonataflow-infra get configmap m2k-props -o jsonpath='{.data.application\.properties}') # Update the properties in the ConfigMap data UPDATED_DATA=$(echo "$CURRENT_DATA" | \ sed "s#^quarkus.rest-client.move2kube_yaml.url=.*#quarkus.rest-client.move2kube_yaml.url=$M2K_ROUTE#g; s#^move2kube_url=.*#move2kube_url=$M2K_ROUTE#g") [..truncated..]
(2) Also one of the wait commands fails because the app label is m2k rather than move2kube for the m2k workflow deployment/pod (Not positive if this changed from 1.3 to 1.4, but it is an issue in 1.4)
oc wait -n sonataflow-infra pod --for=condition=Ready=true -l app=move2kube --timeout=2m --- oc get deployment m2k -n sonataflow-infra -o yaml [..] labels: app: m2k app.kubernetes.io/component: serverless-workflow app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: sonataflow-operator app.kubernetes.io/name: m2k app.kubernetes.io/part-of: sonataflow-platform sonataflow.org/workflow-app: m2k sonataflow.org/workflow-namespace: sonataflow-infra name: m2k Note: move2kube pod has this label, not the m2k wf pod oc get pods -n move2kube move2kube-54d54597f8-gp7tp -o yaml [..] labels: app: move2kube
- relates to
FLPATH-930 Knative integration
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