Resolution: Done
Description of the problem:
The 1.4.0 4c7 install doc for m2k (manual method) has the following issues:
- For Move2Kube instance step below does not work because m2k-save-transformation-func-v1-deployment does not yet exist
oc -n ${TARGET_NS} adm policy add-scc-to-user $(oc -n ${TARGET_NS} get deployments m2k-save-transformation-func-v1-deployment -oyaml | oc adm policy scc-subject-review --no-headers -o yaml --filename - | yq -r .status.allowedBy.name) -z default
- the below step works but may be too broad
QE automation for deployment uses \/ although perhaps to open? oc -n ${TARGET_NS} adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default
- The step "Edit the secret ${WORKFLOW_NAME}-creds and set the value of NOTIFICATIONS_BEARER_TOKEN" is required after the initial helm install as well, otherwise the m2k-creds never gets updated with the bearer token and the m2k wf pods clbo. It is needed twice because when helm is run the secret is recreated with the bearer token empty
- Doc should state which version of the m2k helm chart to use - I used the default (1.3.0) initially and it had major issues (rightly so), but 1.4 rc7 tag directly from the git repo worked
- relates to
FLPATH-930 Knative integration
- links to