That happens when I use Pass action in tier1 and there are no more ACLs in tier2.
Here is a part of ovn-trace showing 2 sample actions:
ct_lb_mark ---------- 7. ls_in_acl_hint (northd.c:6464): && !ct.est, priority 7, uuid 7e7113bd reg0[7] = 1; reg0[9] = 1; next; 8. ls_in_acl_eval (northd.c:7534): ip && !ct.est, priority 1, uuid 89ef7fe2 reg0[1] = 1; next; 10. ls_in_acl_action (northd.c:7374): reg8[30..31] == 0, priority 500, uuid 49438189 reg8[30..31] = 1; next(8); 8. ls_in_acl_eval (northd.c:7534): ip && !ct.est, priority 1, uuid 89ef7fe2 reg0[1] = 1; next; 10. ls_in_acl_action (northd.c:7374): reg8[30..31] == 1, priority 500, uuid 2e73fb8d reg8[30..31] = 2; next(8); 8. ls_in_acl_eval (northd.c:7534): ip && !ct.est, priority 1, uuid 89ef7fe2 reg0[1] = 1; next; 10. ls_in_acl_action (northd.c:7363): 1, priority 0, uuid 0e0bcc1a reg8[16] = 0; reg8[17] = 0; reg8[18] = 0; reg8[30..31] = 0; next; 15. ls_in_pre_hairpin (northd.c:8384): ip && ct.trk, priority 100, uuid 19cd6187 reg0[6] = chk_lb_hairpin(); reg0[12] = chk_lb_hairpin_reply(); next; 20. ls_in_acl_after_lb_action (northd.c:7374): reg8[30..31] == 0, priority 500, uuid 29a72a17 reg8[30..31] = 1; next(18); 18. ls_in_acl_after_lb_eval (northd.c:7103): reg8[30..31] == 1 && (inport == @a15953184948587120577 && ((ip4.dst == $a3216561572191440156))), priority 30000, uuid 4dbc2562 reg0[13] = 1; reg3 = 4129041756; reg9 = 0; reg8[0..7] = 2; reg8[8..15] = 0; reg8[19..20] = 1; next; 19. ls_in_acl_after_lb_sample (northd.c:6885): ip && && reg8[0..7] == 2 && reg8[19..20] == 1, priority 1000, uuid 8ea0ec84 sample(probability=65535,collector_set=42,obs_domain=2,obs_point=reg3); next; 20. ls_in_acl_after_lb_action (northd.c:7374): reg8[30..31] == 1, priority 500, uuid 42c98f8a reg8[30..31] = 2; next(18); 19. ls_in_acl_after_lb_sample (northd.c:6885): ip && && reg8[0..7] == 2 && reg8[19..20] == 1, priority 1000, uuid 8ea0ec84 sample(probability=65535,collector_set=42,obs_domain=2,obs_point=reg3); next; 20. ls_in_acl_after_lb_action (northd.c:7363): 1, priority 0, uuid 7075685d reg8[16] = 0; reg8[17] = 0; reg8[18] = 0; reg8[30..31] = 0; next; 21. ls_in_stateful (northd.c:8333): reg0[1] == 1 && reg0[13] == 1, priority 100, uuid 3884b108 ct_commit { ct_mark.blocked = 0; ct_mark.obs_stage = reg8[19..20]; ct_mark.obs_collector_id = reg8[8..15]; ct_label.obs_point_id = reg9; }; next; 28. ls_in_l2_lkup (northd.c:10304): eth.dst == { 0a:58:a9:fe:01:01, 0a:58:0a:83:00:01 }, priority 50, uuid 683502ab outport = ""; output;
- relates to
SDN-4487 [tech preview] ovn-k observability with OVS sampling
- Closed
- links to
RHBA-2025:144760 ovn24.09 bug fix and enhancement update
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