Resolution: Done
TrustyAI/Kogito Operator integration
To Do
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
TrustyAI has already multiple components:
- Trusty-service
- Explainable-service
- Prometheus datasources
- Grafana dashboards
We should be able to extend Kogito CRD to support properties to enable grafana integration etc
UPDATE: 8/7/2020:
The trusty initiative has 2 main scenarios to be supported in the operator (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1epP4Kn5hR0jRxiy2oMdGuHgQhCWVtrOMYofsqPLpX8Y/edit?usp=sharing):
1) Simple provisioning of the services: the kogito application with the tracing addon will send events to a kafka broker, and they are consumed by the "trusty service". This scenario is pretty similar to the data index one. The main idea is to create a new type in the operator and have a very similar approach to the one used for the data index service.
2) Grafana dashboards provisioning: assuming that the operator is able to support the scenario cited above, another feature from trusty is the provisioning of grafana dashboards. The grafana dashboards are generated during the compilation of the application, and they have to be injected into the grafana container (via volume or via rest API).