Uploaded image for project: 'AMQ Streams'
  1. AMQ Streams
  2. ENTMQST-6429

Failure in periodic-ci-amq-streams-qe-strimzi-kafka-operator-main-amq-streams-ocp4.18-lp-interop-amq-streams-2-7 - 11-18-2024


    • False
    • None
    • False

      Prow Job Link: periodic-ci-amq-streams-qe-strimzi-kafka-operator-main-amq-streams-ocp4.18-lp-interop-amq-streams-2-7 #1858390711473278976
      Build ID: 1858390711473278976
      Classification: Test Failure
      Failed Step: strimzi-run-tests

      Job History: periodic-ci-amq-streams-qe-strimzi-kafka-operator-main-amq-streams-ocp4.18-lp-interop-amq-streams-2-7

      Here are up to 10 related bugs produced by the step strimzi-run-tests and failed with failure type test_failure:

      Bug Date Created Assignee
      ENTMQST-6401 2024-10-21 Lukas Kral
      ENTMQST-6358 2024-10-02 Lukas Kral
      ENTMQST-6314 2024-09-04 Lukas Kral
      ENTMQST-6262 2024-08-12 Lukas Kral

      This bug was filed using firewatch in OpenShift CI

        1. build-log.txt
          344 kB
          firewatch tool
        2. finished.json
          0.1 kB
          firewatch tool
        3. junit_TEST-io.strimzi.systemtest.connect.ConnectBuilderST.xml
          74 kB
          firewatch tool
        4. junit_TEST-io.strimzi.systemtest.connect.ConnectST.xml
          69 kB
          firewatch tool
        5. junit_TEST-io.strimzi.systemtest.cruisecontrol.CruiseControlST.xml
          74 kB
          firewatch tool
        6. junit_TEST-io.strimzi.systemtest.kafka.listeners.ListenersST.xml
          76 kB
          firewatch tool
        7. junit_TEST-io.strimzi.systemtest.metrics.MetricsST.xml
          82 kB
          firewatch tool
        8. junit_TEST-io.strimzi.systemtest.security.SecurityST.xml
          72 kB
          firewatch tool

              lkral Lukas Kral
              firewatch-tool firewatch tool
              Lukas Kral Lukas Kral
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
