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  1. AMQ Streams
  2. ENTMQST-6087

[DOC OCP] Clarify where the resources for the pods should be configured


      We should make it more clear where should the resource request/limits be configured for the different operands and in the different configurations. In particular, we should make it clear:

      • When KRaft or Kafka Node Pools are used, it should be configured there in the KafkaNodePool CR.
      • For old ZooKeeper based clusters without node pools, it is in the Kafka CR
      • For TO, UO, CC, and KE, it is always in the Kafka CR
      • For other operands it should be configured in their corresponding CRs

      The current section describing the resources (https://strimzi.io/docs/operators/latest/full/configuring.html#con-common-configuration-resources-reference) seems to be missing this information.

      Created by Strimzi#10258

              pmellor@redhat.com Paul Mellor
              scholzj JAkub Scholz
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              2 Start watching this issue
