Resolution: Done
1.0.0.Beta on OCP
The Kafka Connect documentation in Getting Started is bad. See this email snippet for more details:
Hmm, I think the documentation is quite bad here. Basically, they should do either:
- 2.4.1 +
Not both of them.
Thanks & Regards
On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 5:23 AM Vicky Wu <xiwu@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi,One customer got a requirement to add few plugins (SPLUNK, KAFKA Replicator) to the KAFKA Connect image.
So he need clear instruction:
whether need execute steps from both section 2.4.1. and section 2.4.2 ? or Only execute steps from section 2.4.2 ?For me I think 2.4.1 part is to create a basic simple KAFKA connect image, the section 2.4.2 is to create custom KAFKA connect image with plugins, so he can choose to execute either section 2.4.1 or 2.4.2, but do not need both, right?
Best Regards,
Xiaohui(Vicky) Wu
Global Support Services
Red Hat
Phone: +86-10-6533-9346
- relates to
ENTMQST-522 [DOC OCP] Clarify when to install topic and/or user operator
- Closed