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  1. AMQ Streams
  2. ENTMQST-4180

Add support leader election to allow CO run with multiple replicas


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • 2.3.0.GA
    • None
    • None
    • None

      With the introduction of the StrimziPodSets, the availability of the Cluster Operator is more important than before since it is also responsible for (re)starting the Kafka pods.

      In general, the operator itself is:

      • Stateless and can easily continue after a restart
      • Fast to start when the pod is killed or deleted

      So under normal circumstances, there should be no need to run it in multiple replicas. But in situations when multiple worker nodes (e.g. whole AZ) crash, it can easily happen that many pods go down including Kafka / ZooKeeper pods and the cluster operator pod. In such cases, a lot of new pods might need to be scheduled. That can cause congestions or other issues with insufficient resources when the operator cannot be scheduled and the operands and the StrimziPodSets are left un-operated.

      Having multiple operator instances running before hand as a warm stand-by might be useful, because the backup instance of the operator will be already running and will be able to take over and handle the things almost immediately.

      This can be implemented using the Lease resource and the support for LeaderElection which is part of the Fabric8 Kubernetes client.

      Created by Strimzi#7174

            Unassigned Unassigned
            scholzj JAkub Scholz
            Lukas Kral Lukas Kral
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