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  1. AMQ Streams
  2. ENTMQST-2928

[DOC] Supportability of Standalone Topic and User Operator with AMQ Streams


      In Topic Operator Official documentation and User Operator Official Documentation , It is described that:

      Standalone Topic Operator and User operator installation/deployment seems not supported with AMQ Streams on OpenShift. 

      Document should be updated with answers of queries :

      1. Standalone Topic Operator and User operator  are supported with AMQ Streams on Openshift or not ?

      2. Standalone Topic Operator and User operator  are supported with AMQ Streams on RHEL or not ?

      2. If supported on OpenShift or RHEL than there is a need of proper documentation how to use it together with Kafka brokers. 


              dlaing@redhat.com Daniel Laing (Inactive)
              rhn-support-cpandey Chandra Shekhar Pandey (Inactive)
              Maros Orsak Maros Orsak
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