Implement option to add DLQ/Expiry queues while creating an Address
Create Address Wizard:
- Address Configuration: When the user selects the type as subscription or queue , two new drop down options will appear, which will let the user select dlq and expiry queue (Like the current implementation topics for Subscription)
- Preview: The Preview step will display the type, plan and dlq/expiry queue selections. The selected choices will also reflect in the configuration details.
Address Detail Page
- The Header in the Address Detail page will display the Address's Plan, dlq and expiry queue.
- The Kebab on the Header would enable the user to Edit/Delete/Purge/Purge DLQ the address of Queue/Subscription type
Address List
The Kebab on each row of the address list table and the bulk selection kebab will enable user to Edit/Delete/Purge/Purge DLQ the address of Queue/Subscription type
A type for DeadLetter and icon would be added in the Type section of address list table.
Refer issue: for details.