Introduce automated tests to verify the following scenarios:
- To be automated for 1.5.0 GA
- CR defaults
- 3 Node Mesh
- 3 Node Mesh scale up/down
- 3 Node Mesh placement (Any, Every, AntiAffinity)
- Single Edge Mode
- 3 Node Edge mode placement (Any, Every, AntiAffinity)
- To be automated after 1.5.0 GA
- Automated ssl profile setup (w/ certs)
- Expose Listeners
- Setup Address Semantics
- Setup Edge to Interior topology
Checks to include:
- Expected CR
- Expected dependent resources (deployment, pods, service, routes, etc.)
- Expected qdrouterd.conf contents
- Query routers in the network and validate their entities
- Scheduling placement
- Operator log events
- Router pod log events
- Operator status and conditions
- Messaging connectivity
There are no Sub-Tasks for this issue.