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  1. AMQ Interconnect
  2. ENTMQIC-2149

Management control for closing an endpoint connection


    • Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.), Release Notes
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      AMQ Interconnect 1.4 has been enhanced to allow a remote management controller to close a router's connection to an endpoint. This enables a user to resolve slow or stuck consumer issues in which the consumer is processing too slowly or has stopped processing messages without settling their deliveries.

      To close a connection to an endpoint, set the connection's `adminStatus` to `deleted`. For example, this command closes a connection with the `C1` ID:

      $ qdmanage update --type=connector --id=C1 --adminStatus=deleted

      In addition, the `allowAdminStatusUpdate` vhost policy user group setting has been added. You can set this attribute to `false` to prevent users from closing connections.
      AMQ Interconnect 1.4 has been enhanced to allow a remote management controller to close a router's connection to an endpoint. This enables a user to resolve slow or stuck consumer issues in which the consumer is processing too slowly or has stopped processing messages without settling their deliveries. To close a connection to an endpoint, set the connection's `adminStatus` to `deleted`. For example, this command closes a connection with the `C1` ID: $ qdmanage update --type=connector --id=C1 --adminStatus=deleted In addition, the `allowAdminStatusUpdate` vhost policy user group setting has been added. You can set this attribute to `false` to prevent users from closing connections.
    • Needs More Info
    • IC-2019-04

      This feature allows remote management controllers to close another endpoint's connection to the router network. This is intended for mitigation of slow or stuck consumers.

      The relevant user is an operator.

      The operator may, using the enhanced metrics and logs provided in the same release, identify a consumer that is processing slowly or has stopped processing messages without settling their deliveries. The operator can, using this feature, request that the router disconnect the slow or stuck consumer. This will result in the release of the stuck deliveries so they can be redelivered to a different consumer.

              gmurthy@redhat.com Ganesh Murthy
              tross1@redhat.com Ted Ross (Inactive)
              Fernando Giorgetti Fernando Giorgetti
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
