Uploaded image for project: 'AMQ Interconnect'
  1. AMQ Interconnect
  2. ENTMQIC-1933

Console does not connect to Interconnect: app.js?60f4925a5c3d0942:16 Error: Error: Unknown provider: $uibModalProvider <- $uibModal


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • 1.0.0.GA
    • 1.0.0.CR3
    • Router Console

      The linked upstream issue is present on AMQ 7 as well. Broker and console is ER18, router is 0.8.0. When using downstream console in ER18 and downstream router, i am unable to connect. exactly as in the upstream issue. When using latest upstream stand-alone console with downstream router, I am able to connect, exactly as in the upstream issue.

      The error in browser log is (in Chrome)

      Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.
      send @ app.js:4
      app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:16 [ARTEMIS] plugin running [object Object]
      app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:16 [ARTEMIS] *************creating Artemis Console************
      app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:16 [RHBranding] Red Hat theme loaded
      app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:16 [QDR] *************creating Dispatch Console************
      app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:16 [QDR] curPath is /
      app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:16 [RBAC] Using mbean  hawtio:type=security,area=jmx,rank=0,name=HawtioDummyJMXSecurity  for client-side role based access control
      app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:16 [Core] hawtio started
      app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:16 [QDR] okay to start
      app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:16 [QDR] [
      app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:16 [QDR] {
        "amqp:/_topo/0/Router.A/$management": {}
      app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:16 [QDR] saving page changed to /dispatch_hawtio_console/overview
      app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:16 Error: Error: Unknown provider: $uibModalProvider <- $uibModal
          at app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:13
          at Object.c [as get] (app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:13)
          at app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:13
          at c (app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:13)
          at d (app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:13)
          at Object.e [as instantiate] (app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:13)
          at app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:13
          at app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:13
          at f (app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:13)
          at n (app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:13)
      consoleLogger @ app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:16
      app.js?1d536d5e2035edf8:16 Stack trace:  <div class="log-stack-trace">
      <p>Error: Unknown provider: $uibModalProvider <- $uibModal</p>
      <p>    at</p>
      <p>    at Object.c [as get] (</p>
      <p>    at</p>
      <p>    at c (</p>
      <p>    at d (</p>
      <p>    at Object.e [as instantiate] (</p>
      <p>    at</p>
      <p>    at</p>
      <p>    at f (</p>
      <p>    at n (</p>
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden) Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
      app.js:16 [RBAC] Using mbean  hawtio:type=security,area=jmx,rank=0,name=HawtioDummyJMXSecurity  for client-side role based access control
      app.js:16 [QDR] showing dispatch tab: going to page /dispatch_hawtio_console/overview
      2app.js:16 [QDR] saving page changed to /dispatch_hawtio_console/overview
      app.js:16 Error: Error: Circular dependency: 
          at c (app.js:13)
          at d (app.js:13)
          at Object.e [as instantiate] (app.js:13)
          at app.js:13
          at app.js:13
          at f (app.js:13)
          at n (app.js:13)
          at f (app.js:13)
          at app.js:13
          at k (app.js:15)
      consoleLogger @ app.js:16
      app.js:16 Stack trace:  <div class="log-stack-trace">
      <p>Error: Circular dependency: </p>
      <p>    at c (</p>
      <p>    at d (</p>
      <p>    at Object.e [as instantiate] (</p>
      <p>    at</p>
      <p>    at</p>
      <p>    at f (</p>
      <p>    at n (</p>
      <p>    at f (</p>
      <p>    at</p>
      <p>    at k (</p>

            eallen@redhat.com Ernest Allen (Inactive)
            jdanek@redhat.com Jiri Daněk
            Matej Lesko Matej Lesko (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
