Resolution: Done
Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.)
Problems occurs using diamond scheme
where X is broker, A & B are routers on the same layer and C is facade for ingress & egress communication using clients.
A is configured with the cost:2 to ensure that all data will go through router B.
After some messages B is killed and all messages should go via A. Here problems occurs. All clients(senders) are are blocked(state=@released(38)) till a record about "router B" go away from the table which is showed using command
qdstat -nv
After that all messages are router correctly again via router A.
*After the B shutdown - sender waits here* Routers in the Network router-id next-hop link cost neighbors valid-origins ============================================================== Router.A - 1 1 ['Router.C'] [] Router.B - 1 ['Router.C'] ['Router.A'] Router.C (self) - ['Router.A'] [] *router is UP again, again, all works ok.* router-id next-hop link cost neighbors valid-origins ========================================================================== Router.A - 1 1 ['Router.C'] ['Router.B'] Router.B - 0 1 ['Router.C'] ['Router.A'] Router.C (self) - ['Router.A', 'Router.B'] []
using export PN_TRACE_FRM=1
Here it hangs
[root@dhcp-37-176-6 python]# ./aac5_sender.py -b [0x1dcac50]: -> SASL [0x1dcac50]: <- SASL [0x1dcac50]:0 <- @sasl-mechanisms(64) [sasl-server-mechanisms=@PN_SYMBOL[:ANONYMOUS, :"DIGEST-MD5", :PLAIN]] [0x1dcac50]:0 -> @sasl-init(65) [mechanism=:ANONYMOUS, initial-response=b"anonymous@dhcp-37-176-6.7x.lab.eng.brq.redhat.com"] [0x1dcac50]:0 <- @sasl-outcome(68) [code=0] [0x1dcac50]: -> AMQP [0x1dcac50]:0 -> @open(16) [container-id="04eae1ad-8d1c-42ba-b283-a13439f110bb", hostname="", channel-max=32767] [0x1dcac50]:0 -> @begin(17) [next-outgoing-id=0, incoming-window=2147483647, outgoing-window=2147483647] [0x1dcac50]:0 -> @attach(18) [name="04eae1ad-8d1c-42ba-b283-a13439f110bb-jms.queue.test.address", handle=0, role=false, snd-settle-mode=2, rcv-settle-mode=0, source=@source(40) [durable=0, timeout=0, dynamic=false], target=@target(41) [address="jms.queue.test.address", durable=0, timeout=0, dynamic=false], initial-delivery-count=0] [0x1dcac50]: <- AMQP [0x1dcac50]:0 <- @open(16) [container-id="Router.C", max-frame-size=16384, channel-max=32767, idle-time-out=8000, offered-capabilities=:"ANONYMOUS-RELAY", properties={:product="qpid-dispatch-router", :version="0.7.0"}] [0x1dcac50]:0 <- @begin(17) [remote-channel=0, next-outgoing-id=0, incoming-window=61, outgoing-window=2147483647] [0x1dcac50]:0 <- @attach(18) [name="04eae1ad-8d1c-42ba-b283-a13439f110bb-jms.queue.test.address", handle=0, role=true, snd-settle-mode=2, rcv-settle-mode=0, source=@source(40) [durable=0, timeout=0, dynamic=false], target=@target(41) [address="jms.queue.test.address", durable=0, timeout=0, dynamic=false], initial-delivery-count=0] [0x1dcac50]:0 <- @flow(19) [next-incoming-id=0, incoming-window=61, next-outgoing-id=0, outgoing-window=2147483647, handle=0, delivery-count=0, link-credit=250, drain=false] [0x1dcac50]:0 -> @transfer(20) [handle=0, delivery-id=0, delivery-tag=b"1", message-format=0, settled=false, more=false] (93) "\x00Sp\xd0\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00\x05BP\x04@BR\x00\x00Ss\xd0\x00\x00\x00-\x00\x00\x00\x0d@@@@@@\xa3\x0atext/plain@\x83\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x83\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00@R\x00@\x00St\xd1\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00Sw\xa1\x04None" [0x1dcac50]:0 <- @flow(19) [next-incoming-id=1, incoming-window=61, next-outgoing-id=0, outgoing-window=2147483647, handle=0, delivery-count=1, link-credit=250, drain=false] [0x1dcac50]:0 <- @disposition(21) [role=true, first=0, last=0, settled=true, state=@released(38) []] [0x1dcac50]:0 -> (EMPTY FRAME) [0x1dcac50]:0 -> (EMPTY FRAME) [0x1dcac50]:0 -> (EMPTY FRAME) [0x1dcac50]:0 -> (EMPTY FRAME)
- is related to
ENTMQIC-71 Able to create a redundant topology capable of tolerating the loss of one or more dispatch routers without affecting the ability of a message from reaching its intended addressee.
- Closed
- relates to
ENTMQIC-1944 Hawtio shows incorrect topology after router disconnection
- Closed