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  1. AMQ Clients
  2. ENTMQCL-3182

[cpp] Initial AMQP client connection delays of ~30 secs


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Not a Bug
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • amqp-cpp-client
    • None
    • False
    • False
    • Hide

      Application is attached. When running, the delay can be seen. It is also replicable without SSL and OpenShift, just with a local broker so it appears the problem is with the connections and not the other parts.

      Application is attached. When running, the delay can be seen. It is also replicable without SSL and OpenShift, just with a local broker so it appears the problem is with the connections and not the other parts.

      When using the Qpid Proton C++ AMQ Client, 90% of the time client connections open in 8-20ms. Periodically a producer will take 30.008 - 30.020 seconds to open

      Attached is a sample application that consistently demonstrates the connection delays.

      This happens for approximately 90% of connections, however, the included code sample can reproduce the issue nearly 100% of the time because it creates multiple connections in quick succession.

        1. main.cpp
          10 kB
        2. delay-test.zip
          8 kB

              rkumari@redhat.com Rakhi Kumari
              rhn-support-zstrmisk Zdenek Strmiska
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
