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  1. AMQ Clients
  2. ENTMQCL-1738

[python] Example client_http.py does not work


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • 2.5.0.GA
    • amqp-python-client
    • None
    • Hide
      1. Run example broker: PN_TRACE_RAW=1 PN_TRACE_FRM=1 PN_TRACE_DRV=1 broker.py
      2. Run tested example: PN_TRACE_RAW=1 PN_TRACE_FRM=1 PN_TRACE_DRV=1 client_http.py
      3. Open client_http page localhost:8888/client in browser
      4. Submit some text through the Request input on the page
      5. See result of test:
        1. Browser is waiting for response...
        2. broker.py example got:
          [0x1b40970]:ERROR amqp:connection:framing-error No protocol header found (connection aborted)
          [0x1b40970]:  <- EOS
      Run example broker: PN_TRACE_RAW=1 PN_TRACE_FRM=1 PN_TRACE_DRV=1 broker.py Run tested example: PN_TRACE_RAW=1 PN_TRACE_FRM=1 PN_TRACE_DRV=1 client_http.py Open client_http page localhost:8888/client in browser Submit some text through the Request input on the page See result of test: Browser is waiting for response... broker.py example got: [0x1b40970]:ERROR amqp:connection:framing-error No protocol header found (connection aborted) [0x1b40970]: <- EOS
    • Yorba, Anza, Balboa, Cabrillo

          astitcher Andrew Stitcher
          rkubis_kafka_devexp Radim Kubis
          Dominik Stuchlík Dominik Stuchlík (Inactive)
          0 Vote for this issue
          5 Start watching this issue
