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  1. AMQ Clients
  2. ENTMQCL-1090

[packaging] Apache 2 licence is included twice in the resource adapter licence zip pack


    • Ortega

      In org.jboss.logging:jboss-logging metadata, the Apache 2 licence name is different from what all other jars refer to it. That means, in the licences zip for resource adapter, licenses-resource-adapter-1.0.0.redhat-00004-zip.zip, we have

                <name>Apache License, version 2.0</name>

      while other Apache 2 licensed packages have

                <name>Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>

      As a result, the Apache 2 licence is included twice, with two different human readable names (in the .html file) and two different file names in the dir with licence text.

      I guess this affects all our products that include jboss-logging. The case of resource adapter is that this is much easier to spot due to small dependency count.

            iboverma Irina Boverman
            jdanek@redhat.com Jiri Daněk
            Jiri Daněk Jiri Daněk
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