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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-9125

[7.11] AMQ 7: broker hangs under high large message load load with JDBC persistence


      Under high client load, with JDBC persistence, the critical analyser trips. The thread dump shows dozens of threads waiting on a lock which, presumably, is never released. There is no sign of database activity in this thread dump. There are no error messages or other oddities in the logs, until the CA trips.

      Disabling the CA does not help: the broker doesn't stop, but is completely unresponsive. No additional diagnostics are output.

              csuconic@redhat.com Clebert Suconic
              rh-messaging-ci Messaging CI
              Michal Toth Michal Toth
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
