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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-9100

[Docs] Allow configuration on Mirror parameters


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • documentation
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • ARTEMIS-4758

      • Following configuration options added:


      Options added to Configuration / broker properties:


      • how many attempts on retrying an ack on the queue (before scanning paging if in page mode)
        int mirrorAckManagerQueueAttempts = 5
      • how many attempts on retrying an ack on paging:
        private int mirrorAckManagerPageAttempts = 2
      • at what interval the ack manager should retry (in milliseconds):
        int mirrorAckManagerRetryDelay = 100
      • should use strict transaction control on mirror and target destinations in page mode
        boolean mirrorPageTransaction = false;

            jcliffor@redhat.com John Clifford
            csuconic@redhat.com Clebert Suconic
            Tiago Bueno Tiago Bueno
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
