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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-8556

Mirroring Fails for auto-created queues when clustered


    • False
    • None
    • False
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      Create a two-node load-balancing cluster representing datacenter1. Example:

               <connector name="artemis1">tcp://node1.test.redhat.com:61616?sslEnabled=false</connector>
               <connector name="artemis2">tcp://node1.test.redhat.com:61617?sslEnabled=false</connector>
               <connector name="upstream1">tcp://node2.test.redhat.com:61616?sslEnabled=false</connector>
               <connector name="upstream2">tcp://node2.test.redhat.com:61617?sslEnabled=false</connector>
               <cluster-connection name="test-cluster">
               <amqp-connection uri="tcp://node4.test.redhat.com:61600" name="DC2" user="admin" password="admin">
                 <mirror sync="false"/>

      Create a mirror image cluster with the same mirroring configurtion (2-way).

      Do not predefine any queues.

      Using an amqp (cor may also work) client, create 10 queues on one side of the mirror and publish messages to each (I used 10k 4kb messages in each queue)

      Check the mirror cluster. Some queues get all messages, while others have the address defined, but no queue and no messages.

      Create a two-node load-balancing cluster representing datacenter1. Example: <connectors> <connector name="artemis1">tcp://node1.test.redhat.com:61616?sslEnabled=false</connector> <connector name="artemis2">tcp://node1.test.redhat.com:61617?sslEnabled=false</connector> <connector name="upstream1">tcp://node2.test.redhat.com:61616?sslEnabled=false</connector> <connector name="upstream2">tcp://node2.test.redhat.com:61617?sslEnabled=false</connector> </connectors> <cluster-user>admin</cluster-user> <cluster-password>admin</cluster-password> <cluster-connections> <cluster-connection name="test-cluster"> <connector-ref>artemis1</connector-ref> <message-load-balancing>ON_DEMAND</message-load-balancing> <static-connectors> <connector-ref>artemis2</connector-ref> </static-connectors> </cluster-connection> </cluster-connections> <broker-connections> <amqp-connection uri="tcp://node4.test.redhat.com:61600" name="DC2" user="admin" password="admin"> <mirror sync="false"/> </amqp-connection> </broker-connections> Create a mirror image cluster with the same mirroring configurtion (2-way). Do not predefine any queues. Using an amqp (cor may also work) client, create 10 queues on one side of the mirror and publish messages to each (I used 10k 4kb messages in each queue) Check the mirror cluster. Some queues get all messages, while others have the address defined, but no queue and no messages.
    • Important

      When creating a mirror between two sets of clustered brokers (I just used load-balancing clusters of two brokers each on the source and target side of the mirror), sometimes auto-created queues are not correctly mirrored. For example, i we create 10 queues via auto-creation and publish messages to all ten on the source end, we see all ten address on the target end, but for some addresses the underlying queues are not created and no messages are mirrored.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rhn-support-dhawkins Duane Hawkins
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