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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-8519

AMQ operator - persist GC logs, audit logs, heap dumps, etc. to a separate data store.


      It's difficult to persist some troubleshooting or audit artifacts to a persistent store. In particular, with a GC log configuration:

      - name: JAVA_ARGS_APPEND
            value: >-

      The init container is unable to complete:

      [0.001s][error][logging] Error opening log file '/opt/artemis-broker/data/gc.log': No such file or directory

      Suggest a configuration for a user-defined volume that can persist these types of artifacts.

      UPDATE: JAVA_OPTS instead of JAVA_ARGS_APPEND does allow this configuration to work. That said, still might be good to have a separate volume for these types of artifacts to keep them separate from the default artemis data store.

              gaohoward Howard Gao
              rhn-support-shiggs Stephen Higgs
              Tiago Bueno Tiago Bueno
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
