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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-8243

Audit logs some times write incorrect username and role in the logs.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • AMQ 7.11.2.GA
    • AMQ 7.10.3.GA
    • logging


      a customer reports a problem with AMQ Broker 7.10.0.

      They use the audit logs for reporting the user login, the problem is that for some users the audit log prints wrong information, in the example for the first user the audit log print the username, for the second user print the role.

      unpack the  sasl-scram-reproducer.tar.gz in folder amq-broker-7.10.3-bin/amq-broker-7.10.3/examples/protocols/amqp/

      mvn clean verify
      $ grep "userrole" target/server0/etc/artemis-roles.properties 
      $ cat target/server0/log/audit.log 
      2023-07-19 15:54:37,553 [AUDIT](Thread-1 (activemq-netty-threads)) AMQ601715: User hello@ successfully authenticated
      2023-07-19 15:54:38,527 [AUDIT](Thread-1 (activemq-netty-threads)) AMQ601715: User test123(userrole)@ successfully authenticated
      2023-07-19 15:54:38,822 [AUDIT](Thread-2 (activemq-netty-threads)) AMQ601715: User userrole(userrole)@ successfully authenticated 

              gtully@redhat.com Gary Tully
              rhn-support-mgolfari Matteo Golfarini (Inactive)
              Michal Toth Michal Toth
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
