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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-7819

[Docs] Clarify what the status means for brokerProperties and JAAS properties login modules


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • AMQ 7.11.0.GA
    • documentation

      As part of ENTMQBR-7128 we made the secret behind brokerProperties mutable. This means that changes the CR.brokerProperties field do not result in a new secret and stateful set update, but just in an update to the secret contents.

      Kube will update the volume mount projection and the status will reflect the re-read of contents, but whether the values actually take effect depends on what is supported by the configuration reload feature of the broker.



      Properties that effect the jvm and which are only read on start will not be in effect.

      If the broker needs to be restarted, then it should be scaled to zero and back up.

      Another approach would be to use CR.Env to have a RESTART_COUNT env var (or any named var) and increment that value, forcing an stateful set rollout.

      Update that env var with every update to brokerProperties that requires a restart.


      This is a change of behaviour, because in 7.10 the config map backing the CR.brokerProperties field was an immutable config map using it contents hash as a name. It would be different on any update and would result in a stateful set rollout. To make use of volume projections and configuration reload and to avoid a restart unless strictly necessary, this enhancement was necessary.

            jcliffor@redhat.com John Clifford
            gtully@redhat.com Gary Tully
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