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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-7643

AMQ Broker Operator should verify the validity of ssl secrets on Openshift before updating/creating brokers


      There needs to be some basic level of validation from the operator side for the the configuration and to provide the feedback to help with diagnosing related issues. By deafault,
      when SSL/TLS is enabled, operator creates amq-broker-secret-* with empty data. Users are supposed to populate these secrets, but since these are empty Broker enters a crash loop as it doesn't have mechanism to deal with invalid keystore/truststore.

      This concerns any configuration bits (acceptors/console) related to SST/TLS. Operator has to have a mechanisms for basic validation of the secrets and other key bits of configuration.

            gtully@redhat.com Gary Tully
            mkrutov Mikhail Krutov
            Michal Toth Michal Toth
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
