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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-7068

Update of Broker Installed via Operator Fails


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • AMQ 7.10.1.OPR.1.GA
    • None
    • operator
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Hide

      In OpenShift Web Console:

      1. Create a project
      2. Install the AMQ 7.10.OPR.3 operator from operator hub to the project namespace
      3. Once the operator is installed, click on the Operator and open the "AMQ Broker" view to create a broker
      4. Select the yaml view and create a broker. Example:

      apiVersion: broker.amq.io/v1beta1
      kind: ActiveMQArtemis
        name: ex-aao
        application: ex-aao-app
          image: placeholder
          size: 1
          requireLogin: false
          persistenceEnabled: false
          journalType: nio
          messageMigration: false
          jolokiaAgentEnabled: false
          managementRBACEnabled: true
          - expose: false
            name: acceptor
            port: 61617
            protocols: 'amqp,core,openwire'
            sslEnabled: false
            supportAdvisory: false
            suppressInternalManagementObjects: false

      5. Save the configuration and wait for the pod to be created
      6. rsh to the pod and verify that it is listening on the designated port

      sh-4.4$ curl -v http://ex-aao-ss-0:61617
      * Rebuilt URL to: http://ex-aao-ss-0:61617/
      *   Trying
      * TCP_NODELAY set
      * Connected to ex-aao-ss-0 ( port 61617 (#0)
      > GET / HTTP/1.1
      > Host: ex-aao-ss-0:61617
      > User-Agent: curl/7.61.1
      > Accept: */*

      8. Click on the installed operator and open the brokers view. Select the broker to edit it.
      9. In the yaml view, change the port to a new value (61618)
      10. Delete the pod and wait for it to be recreated
      11. rsh to the pod and repeat the curl test above with the new port. Connection fails with connection refused
      12. Try the curl test with the old port. Connection succeeds.

      In OpenShift Web Console: 1. Create a project 2. Install the AMQ 7.10.OPR.3 operator from operator hub to the project namespace 3. Once the operator is installed, click on the Operator and open the "AMQ Broker" view to create a broker 4. Select the yaml view and create a broker. Example: apiVersion: broker.amq.io/v 1 beta 1 kind: ActiveMQArtemis metadata: name: ex-aao application: ex-aao-app spec: deploymentPlan: image: placeholder size: 1 requireLogin: false persistenceEnabled: false journalType: nio messageMigration: false jolokiaAgentEnabled: false managementRBACEnabled: true acceptors: - expose: false name: acceptor port: 61617 protocols: 'amqp,core,openwire' sslEnabled: false supportAdvisory: false suppressInternalManagementObjects: false 5. Save the configuration and wait for the pod to be created 6. rsh to the pod and verify that it is listening on the designated port sh-4.4$ curl -v http: //ex-aao-ss-0:61617 * Rebuilt URL to: http: //ex-aao-ss-0:61617/ * Trying * TCP_NODELAY set * Connected to ex-aao-ss-0 ( port 61617 (#0) > GET / HTTP/1.1 > Host: ex-aao-ss-0:61617 > User-Agent: curl/7.61.1 > Accept: */* 8. Click on the installed operator and open the brokers view. Select the broker to edit it. 9. In the yaml view, change the port to a new value (61618) 10. Delete the pod and wait for it to be recreated 11. rsh to the pod and repeat the curl test above with the new port. Connection fails with connection refused 12. Try the curl test with the old port. Connection succeeds.

      When installing a broker via the operator installed from operator hub, if the broker is later updated (for example, the acceptor port is changed), the change appears to take effect, but the broker continues to use the previous settings, even after being restarted.

              dbruscin Domenico Francesco Bruscino
              rhn-support-dhawkins Duane Hawkins
              Mikhail Krutov Mikhail Krutov
              1 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
