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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-701

Clarify reserved characters in AMQ 7


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • None
    • A-MQ 7.0.0.GA
    • None
    • Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.), Release Notes
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      In prior releases, in was unclear which characters should not be used when creating destination names, addresses, client IDs, and other configuration elements. This information was added to the product documentation titled Using AMQ Broker under the section "Address and Queue Naming Requirements" (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_amq/7.1/html-single/using_amq_broker/).
      In prior releases, in was unclear which characters should not be used when creating destination names, addresses, client IDs, and other configuration elements. This information was added to the product documentation titled Using AMQ Broker under the section "Address and Queue Naming Requirements" ( https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_amq/7.1/html-single/using_amq_broker/ ).
    • Documented as Resolved Issue
    • AMQ Broker 7.1 Sprint 2

      Please document what characters are reserved in AMQ 7 and that should not be used in destination names, addresses, client ids, subscription names, etc across different clients like JMS core, native core, openwire, AMQP.

            mtoth@redhat.com Michal Toth
            rhn-support-tmielke Torsten Mielke
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
