There are many ways to reproduce a problem that results in multiple consumers on the same LV queue starving one another of messages. I believe all these manifestations are related, so I will describe only two of them. All use the "amqutil" general-purpose test client, which is available here:
All reproduce only with AMQP protocol. I'm sure that the client is not to blame, or even the runtime library, because the customer originally reported these problems with Proton C++ clients.
In all cases, the result is that, although the producer is continuing to send messages, no consumer ever receives a message again. These problems only reproduce with last-value queues.
Method 1 – stopping a consumer
1. Start the producer, publishing messages who bodies are an ascending sequence of numbers, and with the same LV key:
$ amqutil publish 10000 --qpid --destination SELECTOR --numbered --properties MESSAGE_KEY=1
2. Start two consumers on the same LV queue, in different sessions:
$ amqutil subscribe 10000 --qpid --destination SELECTOR::QUEUE.SEL (twice)
3. Stop one of these consumers. Note that the other consumer also stops receiving messages, even though messages are still being produced.
Method 2 – applying a non-matching selector
1. In one session, produce using AMQP a stream of messages whose bodies are incrementing numbers, with LV key some fixed value (doesn't matter what the value is), and a property "foo=bar1" (which will be matched by one consumer's selector)
$ amqutil publish 10000 --qpid --destination SELECTOR --numbered --properties foo=bar1,MESSAGE_KEY=1
2. In another session, start to consume messages with a matching selector.
$ amqutil subscribe 10000 --qpid --destination SELECTOR::QUEUE.SEL --selector "foo='bar1'"
A constant stream of messages is received because, although this is a LV queue, the "last value" is constantly changing.
3. In another session, start to consume messages with a non-matching selector.
$ amqutil subscribe 10000 --qpid --destination SELECTOR::QUEUE.SEL --selector "foo='bar2'"
This consumer receives no messages and – even more oddly – the first consumer (with the matching selector) receives no messages either.
Define the last-value queue in broker.xml like this:
<address-setting match="SELECTOR">
<address name="SELECTOR">
<queue name="QUEUE.SEL" />